Keeping our residents and community safe
Fairway is a vibrant community built on families and friendships that last a lifetime. The health and wellbeing of our residents are paramount, and we warmly welcome all visitors to Fairway. To ensure everyone’s safety, please follow our updated checking-in process.
Visitor Guidelines:
- Rapid Antigen Test (RAT): We currently require all staff and visitors to complete a RAT prior to entry.
- Mask Policy: Masks are optional; feel free to wear one if it provides additional comfort.
- Health Considerations: If you’re feeling unwell, please postpone your visit until you’re fully recovered to help us maintain a safe environment.
Fairway Aged Care remains committed to managing visitor access to safeguard the health and wellbeing of our residents and staff. Our management team closely monitors the latest public health directives from the DHHS and community transmission rates.
For further information, please refer to our Acute Respiratory Infection Guidelines.